Rhyme Riddles

on Howz Yer Teeth?!

What is a stamp? Here's the answer: Lickie Stickie

2-way radio? Here's the answer: Walkie Talkie

Defibrilators? Here's the answer: Hearty Starty

Bumblebees? Here's the answer: Fuzzy Buzzy

Pregnancy Test? Here's the answer: Maybe Baby

Bra? Here's the answer: Breastie Nestie

Fork? Here's the answer: Stabby Grabby

Socks? Here's the answer: Feetie Heatie

Hippo? Here's the answer: Floatie Bloatie

Nightmare? Here's the answer: Screamy Dreamy

The following are by Jamie Johnson:

Galaxy Mystery? Here's the answer: Space Case

Obese Feline? Here's the answer: Fat Cat

Skin art of headware? Here's the answer: Hat Tat

Trite conversation? Here's the answer: Pat Chat

More than a canine's walk, but less than a canine's run? Here's the answer: Dog Jog

Swamp wood? Here's the answer: Bog Log

Push somebody away? Here's the answer: Shun One

Telling my boy to flee? Here's the answer: Run Son

Dizzy convent dweller? Here's the answer: Spun Nun

Bread side finished? Here's the answer: Bun Done

Enjoyable word play? Here's the answer: Fun Pun

2000-pound firearm? Here's the answer: Ton Gun

Cloudy? Here's the answer: Sun None

Single skeleton piece? Here's the answer: Lone Bone

Borrowing a mobile device? Here's the answer: Phone loan

Turin artifact did this to tourists? Here's the answer: Shroud Wowed

Did a write-in on Election night? Here's the answer: Wrote Vote

Scribed a memo? Here's the answer: Wrote Note

Enjoy a cycle? Here's the answer: Like Bike

Counselors stop working? Here's the answer: Psyche Strike

Spilled a cola? Here's the answer: Coke Soak

The tides? Here's the answer: Ocean Motion

Magical mix idea? Here's the answer: Potion Notion

Hilarious rabbit? Here's the answer: Funny Bunny

Insect embrace? Here's the answer: Bug Hug

Gulp from a large decanter? Here's the answer: Chug Jug

Large semi? Here's the answer: Big Rig

Equip a Soviet jet? Here's the answer: Rig Mig

Wounded pirate's appendage? Here's the answer: Peg Leg

Eliminated the castle in chess? Here's the answer: Took Rook

Collection of recipes? Here's the answer: Cook Book

Scare Skywalker? Here's the answer: Spook Luke

Noble vomit? Here's the answer: Duke Puke

Out of lease money? Here's the answer: Spent Rent

Gave a tip? Here's the answer: Sent Hint

Impressed by niceness? Here's the answer: Find Kind

10-cent citrus? Here's the answer: Dime Lime

Fancy eating? Here's the answer: Fine Dine

BBQ utensil? Here's the answer: Pork Fork

Idle on the job? Here's the answer: Shirk Work

Rude retailer? Here's the answer: Jerk Clerk

Affordable Cherokee vehicle? Here's the answer: Cheap Jeep

Stay pensive? Here's the answer: Keep Deep

Lambs jump? Here's the answer: Sheep Leap

Law enforcement checkpoint? Here's the answer: Cop Stop

Stolen car crime scene? Here's the answer: Chop Shop

Soak a shirt? Here's the answer: Sop Top

Clean up a mess? Here's the answer: Mop Slop

Paternal Jump? Here's the answer: Pop Hop

Get airborne in a car? Here's the answer: Jump Bump

A bit of Capt. Jack Sparrow's drink? Here's the answer: Some Rum

Axle? Here's the answer: Car Bar

Dispose of waste after eating corn? Here's the answer: Cob Lob?

Mafia hit? Here's the answer: Mob Job

Meathead teasing? Here's the answer: Jock Mock

Secure the pier? Here's the answer: Lock Dock

Discussion as one ambles? Here's the answer: Walk Talk

Ump's statement with a bad pitch and no swing? Here's the answer: Call Ball

High border? Here's the answer: Tall Wall

Observed bravery? Here's the answer: Saw Gall

What dairy beasts eat? Here's the answer: Cow Chow

That's perverse? Here's the answer: How Foul

Cut the grass short? Here's the answer: Mow Low

Not going to happen? Here's the answer: No Go

Ill girl? Here's the answer: Sick Chick

Assault a hillbilly? Here's the answer: Kick Hick

Short magic routine? Here's the answer: Quick Trick

Odd thing Yukon Cornelius does? Here's the answer: Lick Pick

Blonde? Here's the answer: Fair Hair

A rabbit's home? Here's the answer: Hare Lair

Smokey and Teddy? Here's the answer: Bear Pair

Extra place to sit? Here's the answer: Spare Chair

Not knowing where those people are? Here's the answer: They're Where?

Free software? Here's the answer: Shareware

Celebrate at this place? Here's the answer: Cheer Here

Afraid of Rudolph? Here's the answer: Fear Deer

Avoid? Here's the answer: Steer Clear

Just one drink? Here's the answer: Mere Beer

Odd facial hair? Here's the answer: Weird Beard

Book tote? Here's the answer: Backpack

Taut? Here's the answer: Lack Slack

Predisposition to be slim? Here's the answer: Lean Gene

Acute female monarch? Here's the answer: Keen Queen

Exist as the person who typed this? Here's the answer: Be Me

View a patella? Here's the answer: See Knee

Carnivorous activity? Here's the answer: Eat Meat

Tidy road? Here's the answer: Neat Street

Break a world record? Here's the answer: Beat Feat

Make warmer where one sits? Here's the answer: Heat Seat

Allowed to talk with God? Here's the answer: May Pray

What customers do for good? Here's the answer: They Pay

Tell a horse to speak? Here's the answer: Say Neigh

Doesn't have viable sources? Here's the answer: Lacked Fact

Years desired for the end-of-term President for whom you voted? Here's the answer: Four More

What seagulls do? Here's the answer: Shore Soar

For every sandy coast? Here's the answer: Each Beach

Strange dried meat? Here's the answer: Quirky Jerky

Written or spoken in a cussing manner? Here's the answer: Dirty Wordy

Shun education? Here's the answer: Spurn Learn

Listend to a chirp? Here's the answer: Hear Bird

Noble caught in ennui? Here's the answer: Bored Lord

Put a Flamberge away? Here's the answer: Stored Sword

Tossed planet? Here's the answer: Hurled World

Beach phantom? Here's the answer: Coast Ghost

Toss an oyster's product? Here's the answer: Hurl Pearl

Rule for college residence hall? Here's the answer: Dorm Norm

Find fault with a woman? Here's the answer: Blame Dame

Notoriety followed? Here's the answer: Fame Came

Repeated nomenclature? Here's the answer: Same Name

Indy 500 car speed? Here's the answer: Race Pace

Cause holy one to stumble? Here's the answer: Taint Saint

Fake soreness? Here's the answer: Feign Pain

Odd alteration? Here's the answer: Strange Change

Poorly list exercise facility? Here's the answer: Dim Gym

Fathers, Grandfathers and Uncles? Here's the answer: Men Kin

Come with yarn? Here's the answer: Bring String

Ape with an injured leg? Here's the answer: Limp Chimp

What you hear from a happy female cat? Here's the answer: Her Purr

Armored warriors at war? Here's the answer: Knight Fight

How far up the flying toy on a string is? Here's the answer: Kite Height

Caution regarding what that animal with teeth could do? Here's the answer: Might Bite

GPS instruction to turn Northeast when traveling North? Here's the answer: Slight Right

Eveneing illumination? Here's the answer: Night Light

Comic with great ratings? Here's the answer: Hit Wit

What the fish on the hook did? Here's the answer: Ate Bait

Make a birthday dessert? Here's the answer: Bake Cake

Result of putting up a dam? Here's the answer: Make Lake

When an unpleasant person blinks an eye? Here's the answer: Fink Wink

Walk like an Egyptian? Here's the answer: Tut Strut

Closed shack? Here's the answer: Shut Hut

Money owed for your critters? Here's the answer: Pet Debt or Vet Debt

Rich, stylish people who travel world for pleasure? Here's the answer: Jet Set

Opera rent? Here's the answer: Met Let

Warmed up? Here's the answer: Got Hot

Firearm missed? Here's the answer: Not Shot

Large hog? Here's the answer: Big Pig

Slick action? Here's the answer: Smooth move

Angry boy? Here's the answer: Mad lad

Three lions? Here's the answer: Leo trio

Odd couple? Here's the answer: Rare pair

Unmannerly man? Here's the answer: Crude dude OR rude dude

True bargain? Here's the answer: Real deal

Fake currency? Here's the answer: Funny money

Ideal visitor? Here's the answer: Best guest

Margarine slicer? Here's the answer: Butter cutter

Fatal explosion? Here's the answer: Doom boom

Ring-tailed rascal? Here's the answer: Coon goon

Crying sound? Here's the answer: Moan tone

Fast choice? Here's the answer: Quick pick

Hello gentleman? Here's the answer: Hi guy

Long history? Here's the answer: Vast past

In the city? Here's the answer: Downtown

Sad dog's expression? Here's the answer: houndn frown

Glare? Here's the answer: bright light

Crowding quarrel? Here's the answer: tight fight

Wimp's strength? Here's the answer: coward power

Eat dinner? Here's the answer: munch lunch

Questioning a dog? Here's the answer: what mutt?

Evil boy? Here's the answer: bad lad

Stopped animal? Here's the answer: ceased beast

King's ground? Here's the answer: royal soil

Stupid hobo? Here's the answer: dumb bum

Mad manager? Here's the answer: crossed boss

Big amount owed? Here's the answer: large charge

Terrible faze? Here's the answer: bad fad

Toro headbone? Here's the answer: bull skull

Ring-tailed inlet? Here's the answer: racoon lagoon

Ursine den? Here's the answer: bear lair

Type of bowling with the larger ball? Here's the answer: Ten-pin

Howz Yer Teeth?!